Law Enforcement Education
Good Samaritan Law
- A detailed video developed by the Westmoreland Drug and Alcohol Commission explaining overdose prevention and The Good Samaritan Law.
- Westmoreland Drug and Alcohol Commission
Naloxone Training Toolkit
- A toolkit for Law Enforcement on how to administer Narcan, provided by the Bureau of Justice’s National Training and Technical Assistance Center.
DEA 360 Strategy
- The Drug Enforcement Administration’s comprehensive approach to tackling the cycle of drug trafficking, drug violence, and drug abuse is known as the DEA 360 Strategy.
Information for First Responders
5 Essential Steps for First Responders
- A detailed guide providing five essential steps for first responders on how to respond to an overdose.
Narcan Nasal Spray
- The Official Narcan Nasal Spray Website provides detailed information about the Narcan nasal spray device, as well as an example of what it looks like.
- Narcan
Fentanyl Guide for First Responders
- The US Department of Justice Drug Enforcement Administration has created this guidebook on Fentanyl as a briefing for First Responders
FDA on Most Appropriate Dose/Doses of Naloxone
- The FDA Advisory Committee weighs in on the most appropriate dose or doses of Naloxone needed to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose.
Opioid Overdose Prevention and Naloxone Toolkits: What We Know and What We Don’t Know
- From the Addiction Science and Clinical Practice Journal, a closer look into Opioid Overdose Prevention and Naloxone Toolkits.
- ASCP Journal
Addressing Stigma
SAMHSA’s Sequential Intercept Model
Intercept 1: Community and Law Enforcement
The first intercept point focuses on the role of law enforcement officials working collaboratively with community behavioral health providers to prevent arrest and adjudication. Ultimately, this intercept aims to divert individuals at the earliest opportunity into community-based service alternatives, for crisis intervention, screening, assessment, and referral to treatment before an arrest is made, while simultaneously maintaining public safety.
Intercept 2: Arrest and Initial Detention/Court Hearings
- The collaborative efforts between local courts and multiple criminal justice system components and local community treatment and recovery providers will allow eligible individuals to receive treatment and recovery support services regardless of what court they enter. This program will focus on connecting with individuals early in their involvement with the criminal justice system and prioritizing the participation of municipal and misdemeanor courts in the collaborative.
Intercept 3: Jails/Specialty Courts
- At this intercept, most of SAMHSA’s efforts involve working with specialty or problem-solving courts. These courts may include drug courts, mental health courts, tribal wellness courts, veterans’ courts, and domestic violence courts. The focus of these courts is to address the underlying mental health and substance use issues and related needs of offenders by using the sanctioning power of the court to connect with treatment and other alternatives to incarceration.
Intercept 4: Reentry from Jails and Prisons to the Community
- Individuals with mental and/or substance use disorders involved with the criminal justice system can face many obstacles accessing quality behavioral health services. SAMHSA uses a two-pronged approach to help meet the needs of individuals returning to the community, and the needs of the community, through:
- Supporting grant programs such as the SAMHSA Offender Reentry Program (ORP) that expands and enhances substance use treatment services for individuals reintegrating into communities after being released from correctional facilities, and
- Actively partnering with other federal agencies to address myriad issues related to offender reentry through the implementation of policy changes, making recommendations to U.S. states and local governments, and eliminating myths surrounding offender reentry.
- The program encourages stakeholders to work together to give adult offenders with co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders the opportunity to improve their lives through recovery. In addition, the program also helps people develop the capacity and skills to become productive members of the community and reduce the probability of re-offending and re-incarceration.
- Individuals with mental and/or substance use disorders involved with the criminal justice system can face many obstacles accessing quality behavioral health services. SAMHSA uses a two-pronged approach to help meet the needs of individuals returning to the community, and the needs of the community, through:
Intercept 5: Community Corrections