The Lycoming County Substance Abuse Coalition was founded in July 2016 to address the growing impact of the opioid epidemic in Lycoming County. The coalition currently has over 20 active members that meet monthly to work on implementing strategies that address the crisis. The coalition’s Three-Year Strategic Plan, February 2018 to February 2021, was developed using the ideas/suggestions generated by coalition members during the strategic planning workshop in January 2018.
The coalition has members representing treatment, recovery, law enforcement, local and state government, and public safety. Together, they work collaboratively to create a community-based network of programs that include surveying pharmacies for naloxone availability, surveying the community about stigma, and assisting in other current programs (ex. Warm Hand-off at Williamsport Hospital).
The coalition works closely with West Branch Drug and Alcohol Abuse Commission, often referred to as the SCA or “Single County Authority”, which has contracted with the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs to oversee and/or carry out the administration, implementation, and completion of drug and alcohol services within Lycoming and Clinton counties.
The task force is chaired by President Judge Nancy Butts and Shea Madden, Executive Director of West Branch Drug and Alcohol Abuse Commission. For inquiries about the coalition, please fill out the “Contact Us” form below.
Think someone is overdosing? Follow these steps:
Identify the drug taken.
Knowing the drug that was consumed can assist medical staff.
Check for resposiveness and breathing.
Getting oxygen to the brain is critical. Use rescue breathing.
Administer naloxone.
Naloxone can reverse an opioid overdose.
Stay with the person.
If you must leave, place the person in the recovery position.
1) Identify common drugs
Familiarize yourself with common drugs of abuse (their names, what they look like, and how they are packaged).
2) Perform Rescue Breathing
If someone is not breathing on their own, rescue breathing is used to get oxygen to the victim and aid in protecting their brain and vital organs. Rescue breathing is done by pinching the victim’s nose and breathing into their mouth.
3) Recognize an Opioid Overdose
Opioids, also can be referred to as opiates or pain pills, are a class of drugs that include legal prescriptions for pain relief or addiction treatment, and illegal drugs like heroin. All opioids act as depressants, which means they slow down the central nervous system, including heart rate and breathing. Commonly used or prescibed opioids include: codeine, fentanyl, heroin, mydrocodone, methadone, morphine, and oxycodone.
4) Learn the Recovery Position
Putting someone in the recovery position, will keep their airway clear and open. The person is put on their side with their arms and legs positioned to stabilize them. Their mouth is directed downwards to aid in preventing choking from vomit or fluids.
Prepare yourself for a future emergency
Find a training near you
Attend a training to learn how to use naloxone
Locate naloxone and drug take back boxes
Find where you can get naloxone in case of emergency.
Dispose of expired and unused prescriptions.
Download an App to your phone to have instructions at your fingertips in case of an emergency. These apps offer guidelines that were developed by the US Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA).
For iPhones: Opioid Overdose Prevention
For Android Phones: OpiRescue
Facts About the Opioid Epidemic*
National Statistics
- Heroin-related overdose deaths have quadrupled since 2010, as the heroin use has increased during that time frame.
- From 2014-2015, heroin overdose death rates increased by 20.6%, with nearly 13,000 people dying in 2015.
- Among new heroin users, approximately 3 out of 4 report having abused prescription opioids prior to using heroin.
- More than 9 in 10 people who used heroin also used at least one other drug.
Pennsylvania Statistics
- In 2015, more than 3500 Pennsylvanians lost their lives to drug overdoses.
- Each day, at least 10 Pennsylvanians die of opioid or heroin overdose.
- The problem can largely be attributed to the rapid rise in the abuse of opioids, including both prescription pain relievers and heroin.
*National statistics are from and state statistics are from
Lycoming Lives Lost
- 2016: 34
- 2017: 38
- 2018: 27
*Uploading final 2018 numbers to OverdosefreePA.
For more information about overdose deaths in Lycoming County, visit the county data charts.
Do You Need Help Finding Resources for Yourself or a Loved One?
Addiction is a disease. It’s very difficult to overcome and treat a disease, because diseases affect each person differently. But there is hope. There are many organizations and resources available in our community and we want you to know about them.
Refer Someone who is in Need
Click the link above to access a confidential referral form that is sent directly to Shea Madden, Executive Director of West Branch Drug and Alcohol Abuse Commission.
Accessing Treatment
Treatment services and financial resources can be explored and obtained by contacting West Branch Drug and Alcohol Abuse Commission.
Call (570) 323-8543
Or visit their website at
PA Get Help Now
The PA Department of Drug and Alcohol can help you find a treatment provider or funding for addiction treatment.
Call 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
Local Recovery Supports
There are many supports in Franklin County for people struggling with addiction and recovery.
- Alcoholic Anonymous (Support Group)
Call 1-800-296-9289 - Narcotics Anonymous (Support Group)
Call 1-800-445-3889 or visit - Al-Anon & Alateen (Support Group)
Call 1-888-425-2666 or visit
We would like to hear your thoughts.
The coalition would like to hear your thoughts about substance use and overdose in our community. The information collected will be used to guide the actions and initiatives that the coalition will undertake to help eliminate overdose from our area. All responses are anonymous.
Please take our community survey here.
Are you a medical professional or first responder? Please take our other surveys below:
Do You Have Leftover Medications?
Drop-off your unwanted or left-over medications at our local Drug Drop Off Boxes, click on the links below to find directions to your location.
Jersey Shore
- Hughesville Borough Police Dept. 147 South Fifth Street
- TJ’s Market/Montgomery’s Pharmacy 49 N. Railroad St.
- Montoursville Police Dept.617 North Loyalsock Ave.
- State Police-Troop F / Montoursville 899 Cherry St.
- Weis Markets – Montoursville 801 Loyalsock Ave.
- Muncy Borough Police Dept. 14 North Washington St.
- Townville Pharmacy and Ben Franklin Store 2195 Rt 442
- Weis Markets – Muncy 1272 East Penn St.
South Williamsport
- City of Williamsport Police Dept. 245 West 4th St
- Health Services Pharmacy 1201 Grampian Blvd # 1
- Lycoming County Sheriff’s Dept. 48 West Third St.
- Old Lycoming Township Police Dept. 1951 Green Avenue, Ste. 2
- Penn College Police Dept.200 College Ave.
- Susquehanna Health Pharmacy 740 High St, Ste 100
- Weis Markets – Williamsport 1916 Lycoming Creek Rd.
- Weis Markets – Williamsport 305 River Ave.